Just need iron cage of N30,000 to 70,000 and one family of breeding grasscutters normally called a colony, which goes for N55,000 to N75,000 depending on the age and distance from the place of purchase to your farm. A colony comprises of one male and four females. The cage can be placed anywhere in the compound, u can start where you are with what you have, like I do say Nigeria economy doesn’t determine what u earn in Grasscutter farming you decide what comes to your pocket.(2) THE BEST MEAT COMES FROM IT.
Grasscutters are the most preferred bush meat. Very expensive and good source of protein and other nutrients pure white meat(3) YOU CAN FARM FOR THE PURPOSE OF BREEDING STOCK..
The breeding stock is one of the most lucrative aspects of grasscutter farming. The turnover period could be very short, maximum of 3-6 months after birth it depends on how old you want them to grow before you start selling breeding family comprising one male and four females referred to as a colony.(4) REGULAR INCOME…
Raising Grasscutters can make you keep smiling to the bank. The profits can come in many ways. Selling your knowledge through training intending farmers can fetch you money also it depends on how u were trained, You can sell your grasscutters live or smoked to Joints, individuals, Restaurants and Hotels. The waste as manure for fertilizer to crop farmers even the breeding family of one-male and four-females can bring huge money.(5) MEAT FOR ALL AND CAN BE SOLD EVERYWHERE…
Grasscutter meat is a delicacy. It is like hot cake in most restaurants. So, the easiest meat to market is grasscutter. Even if you produce large quantity of grasscutter meat in Nigeria alone, you will find buyers for them easily. The meat has low cholesterol and is filled with health benefits. Nutritionists advise people to eat the tasty bush meat because it is white meat. In addition to these facts, grasscutter is free from cultural and religious taboos. This makes it to be a universal favourite, breaking all barriers, religion, creed, culture, ethnicity, etc Iike I do say how to sell gc is not my problem d challenge I always face is, I have never had enough to sell gc, be it table size or breeding stock so if u have gc and u don’t know how to sell contact me I will teach you my selling strategies, like how I bought kings and queens together here(6) JOB CREATION….
Rearing of grasscutter for local consumption will decrease unemployment. You can even be an employer of labour. Grasscutter farming can make you avoid writing hundreds of job application where you “beg to apply” instead of settling down with this easy-to-start, profitable agribusiness that will help you build up your business capital, feed yourself and your family, get others employed and launch you en-route your financial freedom. Bricklayers welders iron fabricators or whatever you call dem all do make money from gc farming by so doing u are already creating jobs for others.(7) IT REPRODUCES FAST AND MORE…
They can produce many litters. In this category, they are next to pigs and rabbits. A female grasscutter of good species can deliver up to 12 babies in a year or more . They have low mortality rate which is 10% if properly handled, they consume grasses mostly 80% and 20% supplementary feeds it depends on d one u choose, above all its very cheap to treat sick Grasscutter.That is the end of the class....
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