
Monday, December 12, 2016

How To Start Rearing Goats In Nigeria.

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Goats can be reared in the pasteurland, but rearing them in cages has more advantages such as:
1. Cage-reared goats are less exposed to parasites.
2. They are better fed, and so the mother goat gives more milk.
3. Less field space is necessary for growing fodder and grass. For every six (6) females and one male goat, one-fourth (1/4) hectare of land would be enough.
4. The caged goats are easier tended and controlled.
However, more capital is necessary, and needs a worker to gather fodder to feed the goats and clean the cages. As preparation for the pasteur, plant such grasses and plants that the goats will need, like paragrass, napier, madre de cacao (kakawate), alibangbang and ipil-ipil. Apply as fertilizer for these plants the dried goat manure so as to make them flourish.


1. Wooden house, bamboo floor, with roof and open sides.
2. The floor is about 1.5 meters high from the ground so as to facilitate cleaning the manure.
3. At the sides of the house, provide food and drinking water.
4. Provide space outside to allow roaming around.
5. The nursing mothers and the weaning kids should have a separate house. One side must have a divider to separate the small ones from the mother at night.
6. Six (6) male goats are housed together.


1. The aforementioned plants are feed for goats.
2. Don’t give too much for each meal, of fresh forage.
3. Goats don’t like dirty grass or acidic (spoiled) food.
4. They like variety of grasses for each meal.


1. When the goats are about 6-8 months old, select good breeder and milker females and aggressive males.
2. A female goat may be mated at age 10-12 months. A male goat is ready to mate at age12 months. At the start, let him mate only a few, but as it grows older, the male goat can mate as many as 25 at age one and a half years.
3. A female goat’s fertile period lasts 2-3 days. The signs are:
– it begins to bleat (me-e-eh) and wags its tail.
– it urinates often.
– the genital is inflamed and secretes mucous
– the goat rides on other goats.
4. Mating should be once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and repeat next morning to be sure that there was fertilization.
5. Then separate the mated females. These will be pregnant in three (3) weeks if they won’t manifest flirting.

Parturition (Delivery)

1. The goat’s gestation period is 145-155 days. Thus, the day of mating should be recorded.
2. When the time of delivery is near, the mother goat bleats (cries me-e-eh), discharges mucous from the genital, is cranky and scratches her bed.
3. At delivery, her mucous discharge is yellowish.
4. When the kid is coming out of its mother, help the delivery by pulling out the kid, but make sure that the hands of the helper are clean. Apply alcohol on the hands to avoid infection. Normally, the head comes out first. The kids are often two, rarely three.
5. Wipe the nose of the newly born kid to enable it to breathe freely.
6. Apply iodine at the end of the umbilical cord, and put a knot or tie it.
7. When the kids are four (4) days old, remove the newly growing horns to keep them from hurting one another. Only a veterinarian or one with experience should undertake this.
8. Others are: putting of mark on the ear one week after birth; cut off the nails once a month, and castration from one to four months old.


1. Milk the mother goat five (5) days after delivery. Continue milking up to 3-5 months until the kids are weaned, or 60 days before another delivery.
2. Milk the goat in the early morning before the kids suck.
3. If the mother goat has abundant milk, she can be milked again toward afternoon.
4. Give the mother goat 200 to 300 gm concentrate daily to increase her milk.


If the goat is raised to milk, do not totally wean the kid from the mother when this is 3-5 days old. Separate the kid from the mother at night.
If milk production is only secondary, separate the kid totally when this is 3 months old. Make sure the kids are fed and given water while they are separated from the mother. In this way, the kids will quickly learn to eat and drink even while still young.
1. Allow the goats to exercise themselves 3-4 hours outside their cage.
2. Give them regular vaccination against disease.
3. Separate the sick and call for a veterinarian.
The common sicknesses of the goat are pneumonia and parasites.


Usually affects the goat with the onset and toward the end of the rainy season. Don’t allow them to be exposed to rain or draft. Signs of pneumonia are difficult and fast breathing.
Give the goat liquamycin, Tylan 200 or Combiotic injection.
Give the goat tetrazole or thixbenzole every six months.



For you to be very successful in this business, You must know where to get best breeding stock and how best to market your business. It is very important because it will enable you to sell-off quickly and turn over.
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How To Start Fishery Business In Nigeria And Make Lots Of Profit.

First and foremost, making money is less of theory and more of practical, so i have tried my possible best to reduce the amount of grammar in explaining this topic to the barest minimum. 

What is fishery all About: fishery is simply a form of business that is all about rearing aquatic organism in an artificial or natural environment, making money from fishery depends on what you choose to do with aquatic organism(fish).
Image result for Fishery Business

Forms of Business Under Fishery

  1. Construction of fish ponds
  2. Fingerlings production
  3. Juvenile Production
  4. Rearing fish to market size
  5. Fish processing & smoking
  6. Construction of fish aquarium
  7. Fish feed sale and production
  8. Teaching people the business
Construction of fish ponds:You can earn yourself a living constructing ponds of various sizes for individuals and organizations. constructing a pond is as easy as just digging a hole, just that you need to abide to various guidelines. Fish can also be raised in plastics, fiber strands and wooden rafts. There are two main types of Pond. This can either be earthen pond or concrete pond. To make money under pond construction you need to be able to build standard pond size for people. A standard pond size cost about ₦40,000.


1. Market: There should be a fish market near-by to allow for high capacity of sale of fish from pond harvests.
2. Nature of the soil: Soil with enough clay content to hold water. Clay and silty clay's are excellent soils for holding water because they stop water from seeping through.
3. Topography: Topography that allows for economical construction. It directly affects building costs and pond management. Pond should be constructed where enough water can be impounded with the least amount of earth fill.
4. Water availability and quality: water could be obtained from boreholes, streams or lakes. Gravity flow water is cheapest and best source. The water must be unpolluted, uncontaminated. Borehole waters can be excellent, but may be costly to pump and may require conditioning to remove carbon dioxide and improve oxygen content and temperature levels.
Fingerlings production: Making huge some of money under fingerling production depends on whether you own the hatchery or you pay people to hatch for you in their hatcheries. Fingerlings cost about ₦10 to ₦15 each. Based on market survey i will tell you, if you based your fish farming biz on production of fingerlings, using good brooding stock (male and female) and you are notable for viable fingerlings, you have a large customer based to supply no matter your region, and you can earn your self a descent income of ₦250,000 to ₦300,000.

The Requirements for a fingerling business

  • Pond or plastic water container
  • Personal or rented Hatchery
  • Notify potential fish farmers in your area.


Juvenile business: This perhaps the easiest to setup, with little or no capital you can get this form of fish business uprunning, and start bagging cash into your bank account. A fully grown juvenile cost about ₦20 to ₦35. What you simply do under juvenile business is to:
  • Hatch or buy fingerlings at ₦5 each
  • Buy wooden or water container
  • Buy local or coppens foreign feed
  • Put your fingerlings in your water container
  • Feed them daily
  • Change the water every 3 days
  • Sell them at ₦30 each after 6-8 weeks.
The profit margin here is around 300%, the only issue is water supply.

Rearing fish to market size: This probably the easiest part of fishery business, You only need to have a suitable pond size and stock it with a proportionate amount of fingerlings/juveniles, then you continue the feeding (with local or foreign feed) for probably 5 month till they will arose maturity. The only issue with this form of fishery business is that it’s capital intensive due to the feeding cost. if you can probably take care of the feeding cost, then i think nothing should stop you from starting this business as soon as possible. The profitable fishes you can rear in Nigeria are tilapia and catfish, a mature catfish sells for ₦550 while tillapia sells for ₦400. I will say it’s more advisable to start with catfish rearing because the market is readily available.

fishing           fishingg

Fish processing & smoking: This also a very simple form of fishery business, fish smoking & processing does not necessary mean fish smoking, it’s the process of drying fish in a kiln so as to reduce the moisture content to a very minimal rate, so as to preserve the fish for a very long period of time(3-9 months). The only material you need for this business is a a metal or clay kiln, a kiln is a structure made specifically for drying food. a kiln ranges from ₦30,000 to ₦300,000 depending on the size you need. To make money from this form of fishery business you just need to rear or buy fishes of varying sizes, dry it in a unique way(by adding your own spices) and insert it in a good package/container, then sell to schools, banks and organizations who are the major customer based for such dried products, since they don’t have much time to go to market.

fish proces          KILN 

Construction of fish aquarium: Aquariam construction is a new form of fishery business which only few individuals are already cashing money from. Making money building aquarium is easy, the only issues is the construction experience, you need to be able to build aquariums using your own unique sense of design, then sell to organizations like banks, hotels, schools etc. Imagine a bank with a lot of daily customers having an aquarium in the bank vicinity, most customers will definitely be amazed, and they wont bother about the long queue to the counter.

aquar       aquarium

Requirements for Aquarium Construction

  • Glass of varying thickness
  • Standard quality big size glass super glue
  • Pipe fittings
  • Paper decorations
  • Toys

Fish feed sale and production: I will say this can be an easy and a very difficult form of fishery business at thesame time, the issue about this business is that it’s 99.95 % practical and 0.05% theory. it’s a very profitable business because most fish farmers are always looking for ways to reduce the fish feeding cost and still increase the flesh productivity of the fish, so if you can provide a good flesh-productive feed at a cheaper price than whats in the market, you are destined to be successful in this business.

fish feed          fisfeed

Teaching people the business: At first i felt that there was no need to explain this form of the fishery business, because “no matter how much you are given, if you have a wrong metal attitude, you will never succeed and no matter how little you are given, if you have a right metal attitude you will succeed”

To make money under this forms of fishery business you need to create classes to teach people about this business, in fact you don’t even need to know all about the business, you can higher people to take the classes, but its more advisable to have proves and testimonies about what you are teaching, Cause there is no point mentoring people on what you don’t practice.


This post have been exclusively written for you by “Binoosmart” It’s now your turn to take action. For you to be very successful in this business, You need to also learn from people already in the business.
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How to be a better entrepreneur in 2017

The following habit should be adhered to strictly.

Image result for entrepreneur
This a new Month, the 12th and the last month in the year 2016 please ensure you do any of the following 12 Golden Nuggets.
1) Make new friends cause “You are the average of your best 10 friends”

2) Acquire new success habit cause “You need constant improvement and motivation”

3) Always make your aim and aspiration high cause “Nothing is impossible”.

4) No matter your circumstances or situation always remember God cause “No man can make it alone”

5) Only depend on God cause “Men will fail you”

6) Always expect a positive result cause “You get what you expect”

7) Always take action cause “The world doesn’t pays you for what you KNOW, it pays you for what you DO”

8) Don’t disturb yourself with what other people think about you cause “What other people think about you is not a requirement for your success”

9) Value earning over money cause “There’s earning in learning”

10) Never limit yourself, try to be creative cause “Imitation is limitation”

11) always act “as if”, if you want to be a lawyer, dress and speak like one cause “of the LAW OF ATTRACTION which state that likes attract likes”

12) Be willing to start without seeing the entire pathway, just lean onto it, and take logical next step cause “you begin creating momentum (That unseen energy force that brings more opportunity, more resources and more people who can help you into your life extremely just the right time for you to benefit best from them)
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How To Start Small Scale Poultry Farm

There are so many questions people ask on how to start a small scale poultry farm business. If you are wondering how? then you are not alone. This article would give you an insight on how to start the business and how you can grow it successfully.
Image result for poultry farming

Poultry is a very viable and lucrative business. It can be a risky business suddenly, especially when you are not concerned about poultry feed management. Poultry birds require energy. In order to obtain desire growth rate, you must have to purchase and provide highly nutritious poultry feed. It is an established business, so all types of necessary facilities are available.

Steps To Take When Starting A Poultry Farm.

Select Your Poultry Niche

Poultry industry is a very broad niche with different aspects. Below are niches in the poultry business;

Egg productions (Layers breeding)

Meat production (Broilers breeding)

Chicken breeding (Hatchery)

Poultry feed production

Poultry equipment and manufacturing

Egg and meat processing, packaging and marketing

Poultry farming and consultancy
This is to tell you poultry farming has a very broad branch. Therefore, you have to choose your area of specialization. Of course, if you have the money and the technical know how of the business you can do all, but it is better to find out which aspect is more profitable in your area in terms of demand and income.

Capital Requirement

A small scale poultry that is set up on a piece of land behind your house may require a capital of
₦25,000-₦200,000 to start with.

Farm Location

The major thing to acquire before starting a poultry farm is a suitable piece of land. Generally, a plot of 120*60 square meters is suitable for a medium sized poultry farm. The size of land depend on the number of birds you want to raise and the farming system. Acquire the land from far towns and big cities. It’s advisable to buy a land in the rural area. Because lands and labor are highly available in cheaper rate. Select a fresh environment and pollution free area.

Establishing a poultry farm in a rented land is absolutely a bad idea. However, while selecting land, keep in mind some important facilities like great source of water, free from all types of animals and predators, a market near the farm, proper transportation facilities, e.t.c.


Housing system depends on your poultry breeds and farming method. Below are few tips to use while building suitable houses for your poultry birds.

The poultry house has to be well ventilated. Well ventilation keeps the bird healthy and productive.

Make a suitable system for entrancing sufficient amount of fresh air and light inside the house.

Try and make the house north to south faced.

In the case of making numerous houses, the distance between one house to another house should be about 40 feet.

Before bringing the chick into the farm, clean the house and the entire farm area properly.

Make deep liter clean regularly.

You can use some cheap materials like wooden material or rice ban for making liter.

Keep the feeding and watering equipment in proper distance from each other according to the number of birds and farming system. And always clean all types of equipment everyday.

The house must have all required facilities for poultry birds.
The housing system commonly used in poultry farming are;

Extensive System: range and fold unit

Semi intensive system: Standard semi intensive unit and straw yard

Intensive System: 1. Deep liter, 2. wire and slated floor, 3. battery cage 4. straw yard
Image result for poultry farming


Good and high quality of food keeps the birds healthy and highly productive. Good quality fresh and nutritious food is the key success in poultry farming business. It’s advisable to provide adequate amount of food according to the age and number of poultry birds. Along with feeding good food, always supply sufficient amount of clean water according to the daily demands of the birds.

Poultry feeds includes

Wheat: Wheat is one of the best grains to be used as poultry feed ingredients. For this reason you should include a certain amount of wheat in the poultry feed ratio. During the wheat harvesting season, you can feed the poultry birds as mash or as scratch feed. You can also use wheat as a poultry feed throughout the year.

Barley: Generally barley is not as delicious like wheat and oats. But it contains fiber and a great source of fat.

Corn: Corn can be very effective grain for your poultry birds. You can feed whole, cracked or grinded. You can feed ripe corns to your hens.

Millet: It has good advantages as poultry feed. You can use millet in growing, laying and fattening ratio. Millet is easily digestible and help to increase body temperature.

Flax: It is suitable for high amount of protein in your poultry feed. You can use small amount of flax in the feed mixture.

Skim Milk and Butter Milk: They are very useful for all kinds of poultry birds. Especially for the young chicks and laying hens. Skim and butter milk play a vital role to get high quality eggs for hatching. And it’s also reliable source of protein.

By Products Of Grain: By products of grains have a great health value and suitable for feeding the poultry birds. Buy various types of by products if grains are available in the shop where poultry feed are prepared or sold. It’s price is comparably higher than any other poultry feed ingredients.

Fish Oil: Fish oil is a dependable source of vitamin A and D. Main.

Poultry is very sensitive and may be infected by diseases easily. Generally, they suffer various types of viral, bacterial, fungal, nutritional and parasitic diseases. Proper vaccination is a must for keeping your your birds diseases free, healthy and productive. So vaccinate the birds timely. If somehow, disease occurs in the farm, meet a vet doctor as soon as possible and listen to his advice.

Image result for poultry farming


Staffing And Man power is not labor intensive if the use of technology is employed. Being a small scale poultry you don’t need so many staff, what you need is a manager and accountant. Either way, your manager can also assume the duty of the accountant too in order to save cost. This individual oversees the day to day running of the business.

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Just need iron cage of N30,000 to 70,000 and one family of breeding grasscutters normally called a colony, which goes for N55,000 to N75,000 depending on the age and distance from the place of purchase to your farm. A colony comprises of one male and four females. The cage can be placed anywhere in the compound, u can start where you are with what you have, like I do say Nigeria economy doesn’t determine what u earn in Grasscutter farming you decide what comes to your pocket.


Grasscutters are the most preferred bush meat. Very expensive and good source of protein and other nutrients pure white meat


The breeding stock is one of the most lucrative aspects of grasscutter farming. The turnover period could be very short, maximum of 3-6  months after birth it depends on how old you want them to grow before you start selling   breeding family comprising one male and four females referred to as a colony.



Raising Grasscutters can make you keep smiling to the bank. The profits can come in many ways. Selling your knowledge through training intending farmers can fetch you money also it depends on how u were trained, You can sell your grasscutters live or smoked to Joints, individuals, Restaurants and Hotels. The waste as manure for fertilizer to crop farmers even the breeding family of one-male and four-females can bring huge money.


Grasscutter meat is a delicacy. It is like hot cake in most restaurants. So, the easiest meat to market is grasscutter. Even if you produce large quantity of grasscutter meat in Nigeria alone, you will find buyers for them easily. The meat has low cholesterol and is filled with health benefits. Nutritionists advise people to eat the tasty bush meat because it is white meat. In addition to these facts, grasscutter is free from cultural and religious taboos. This makes it to be a universal favourite, breaking all barriers, religion, creed, culture, ethnicity, etc Iike I do say how to sell gc is not my problem d challenge I always face is, I have never had enough to sell gc, be it table size or breeding stock so if u have gc and u don’t know how to sell contact me I will teach you my selling strategies, like how I bought kings and queens together here


Rearing of grasscutter for local consumption will decrease unemployment. You can even be an employer of labour. Grasscutter farming can make you avoid writing hundreds of job application where you “beg to apply” instead of settling down with this easy-to-start, profitable agribusiness that will help you build up your business capital, feed yourself and your family, get others employed and launch you en-route your financial freedom. Bricklayers welders iron fabricators or whatever you call dem all do make money from gc farming by so doing u are already creating jobs for others.


They can produce many litters. In this category, they are next to pigs and rabbits. A female grasscutter of good species can deliver up to 12 babies in a year or more . They have low mortality rate which is 10% if properly handled, they consume grasses mostly 80% and 20% supplementary feeds it depends on d one u choose, above all its very cheap to treat sick Grasscutter.

That is the end of the class....

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